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When worlds (or eras) collide
Technology is great. What would we ever do without our microwaves, our computers, our smartphones, and all those other things that make life easier and more complicated at the same time? And think about how technology has advanced the field of skin care! Or has it? Some people think that the old ways are the best ways, and others swear by all the synthetic ingredients that modern science has been able to create. But Gratiae has the most logical approach to skin care: take the best of ancient methods and combine with the best of modern science to create the ideal formula for rejuvenating skin.

Your hands also need a helping hand
Are you someone who takes your hands for granted, thinking that they’re not as important as your face or your figure? Well, think about it for a minute. Do you use your hands to gesture when you’re speaking? Do you wave your hands in greeting, shake hands with others to show courtesy, or hold hands with a loved one to show—love? Unless you walk around with your hands in your pockets all the time, people are going to notice your hands, and if you’re not including them in your beauty regimen, they’re going to send a message that you’re getting older, even if your face says otherwise.

Send your skin to ‘bootcamp’
Strip back a complicated regime and turn to a clean, simple, sensitive regime for a week and you’ll soon notice the difference. Just like exercise improves your body tone and fitness, the right cocktail of skin care will do the same thing for your skin.

Skincare for every stage in life
A good skin care regime is essential for every age in your life, as is healthy eating and exercise. As your skin changes as you get older you need to master skincare techniques to meet the challenges.
It used to be that the only reason you’d be seeing charcoal everywhere was because you were in an art class. Or you had children. Children get into some weird stuff. But times change and so do skin care trends and charcoal is on the brink of being the next big thing in skin care. So here’s the scoop.