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AHA—Product of nature, ally for your skin
On a cheesy TV detective show, you might have heard the hero exclaim, “Aha! So you’re the villain who’s been pilfering the Children’s Christmas Toy Fund!” But that use of the three letters a, h, a, is so twentieth century. Really savvy consumers now understand that the proper term is in all caps—AHA—and is an ingredient that does wonders for achieving a youthful, vibrant complexion.
The Secrets of Face Lift Serum
Gratiae’s Face Lift Facial Serum is a breakthrough product based on a secret formulation of active ingredients. These include organic flora that originate from the Sea of Galilee area in a serum which give skin an instantaneous lifting effect, transforming skin from dull, tired and saggy to radiant and refreshed in a matter of seconds. The serum helps to firm, revitalize and boost cell renewal, returning youthful contours thought long gone.
Send Those Wrinkles Away
Whether you’re just past 30 and beginning to see the first signs of ageing in your skin, or well into your 50s, you may be thinking about how to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Some people simply give in to the battle of aging skin, believing that as we grow older - wrinkles are inevitable. More of us however want to think young, act young and look young. Demi Moore, Yasmin Le Bon and Nicole Kidman are all around the age of 50, but have faces that don’t look that much older than their teenage daughters.
Many of our costumers ask us what is the meaning of "Gratiae" - and we do admit, it may sound a bit weird for anyone who's never heard this word :) But if you think about it, Gratiae sounds a lot like a word you're quite familiar with: Grace. and it goes a long way in human history. Gratiae is actually originated from the roman mythology, where gratiae simply means "graces". it's referring to the three graces, the daughters of Zeus (or of Dionysus and Aphrodite - depending on which version you trust) and the goddesses of everything that's pure and beautiful on earth: music, art, charm, nature, beauty, creativity, and fertility.

Pure Joy - Age Defying
It used to be that the only reason you’d be seeing charcoal everywhere was because you were in an art class. Or you had children. Children get into some weird stuff. But times change and so do skin care trends and charcoal is on the brink of being the next big thing in skin care. So here’s the scoop.
Don’t Let Expression Marks Ruin Your Life!
Wrinkles come in many forms, but some that we all have in common are expression lines or marks. These typically start to appear around the mouth and forehead areas, since these parts of the face move the most when we make facial expressions. They are not actually true wrinkles since everyone has them and although they are not caused by aging, they do become far more noticeable over time.