Is your skin care routine too complicated?

We hate it when people try to tell us less is more. No. More is more. Especially when it comes to things like money, or cake. But we do have to admit that sometimes it’s a bit better to take it easy. Less is still less, but it is better.
When it comes to makeup, we’ll always advocate for a bit less as opposed to a bit more. And this may come as a surprise, but we also advocate for a bit less when it comes to skin care routines. Here’s why, and what to pare down on.

Too many cooks in the kitchen

First of all, having too many products can simply be a waste of your money. Especially given what good quality products can cost. Ingredients may overlap, so you’re slathering yourself with multiple products that all do the same thing. And no, that doesn’t mean you're simply get a greater effect.
Also, some anti-aging ingredients can actually cancel others out. The best way of knowing your skin care routine is working the way you want it to is to purchase products from one or two skin care lines that are highly-rated and that you trust, and to only purchase what you need.

So what do you need?

This is the comprehensive list for a standard skin care routine. If you require specialized products for acne, eczema, rosacea, or any other condition, obviously be sure to factor those in, and always wear sunscreen.
We recommend owning a daytime moisturizer, a heavier night cream, a rebalancing toner, an exfoliant, a gentle cleanser, an eye cream, an anti-aging serum, and a mask like Gratiae’s Lifting Facial Mask for a major anti-aging boost. All products are to be used daily with the exception of the exfoliant, which is optimally used two or three times per week, and the Lifting Facial Mask, which will make a major difference for your skin being used once a week.