Quick tips that can improve your complexion

We have a certain skill-set, one we don’t think we’re alone in. We’re very good at handling the major things. For instance, we can roast up a perfect turkey. But when it comes time to serve dinner? Without fail, we burn the buns, overcook the carrots, or neglect some other seemingly minor detail that brings the entire thing downhill.
The small things matter. Even in skin care. Or maybe we should say especially in skin care. It’s good to get the big things right, like investing in great products and developing a careful routine, but in order to have the best complexion possible, you have to nail the little things as well. Here are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind.

How long you’ve had your skin care products

Trust us, we know they were expensive. And we know you want to get your money’s worth. But if you’ve had that lotion, serum, or anything else for over two years? It’s time to get a new one. If your product has a pump top they’ll last a big longer than that, but if you’re dipping your fingers in day after day, sorry to say it but what you’ve got there is a pot full of bacteria that are throwing a party on your skin.

How clean your makeup brushes are

Do you clean your makeup brushes every time you use them? Really now, do you? We know that’s what’s recommended but we’ll tell you right now that the only brush we clean every time we use it is our gel eye liner brush. Other than that? Once a week will do to get rid of bacteria and old product. Pour about a teaspoon of baby shampoo into warm water, mix it up, then swirl each one of your brushes across the bottom of the bowl to get the product out, then let them soak for 5-10 seconds. That’s as long as you need. Lay your brushes flat to dry, and reshape the ends if needed.

The order you apply your skin care products in

Repeat after us: serum, then moisturizer. Your serum absolutely must go on first. It’s too light to fight its way through an already-applied moisturizer, so in order for your skin to reap the anti-aging benefits of Gratiae’s Lifting Facial Serum, it has to be the first thing you put on your bare skin.