Skin care ingredients to avoid

Yes, we know. Trying to keep track of the skin care ingredients to avoid is a lot like trying to keep track of which boyband is big with teenage girls at the moment. They’re always changing, and they’re always annoying. However, we have to make this list, and you have to read it. It’s for the sake of your health.


This has been a must-avoid for a long time, and we don’t think that will ever change. Parabens are a form of preservative that are commonly used in cosmetics and hygiene products like deodorant. They are suspected to disrupt endocrine function, and while it is also suspected they disrupt male reproductive function, they’re also a risk to women as they have been linked to breast cancer.


You may not have ever heard of triclosan, but we suspect you’ve heard of Agent Orange. Triclosan has an identical molecular structure to Agent Orange, which is of course a defoliant that was widely used in the Vietnam War and has since been linked to all kinds of health problems in veterans.


This is an ingredient you have to watch for in cleansers and bath products. Dioxin has been linked to miscarriages and birth defects, so it’s obviously not safe for pregnant women. And you know what we propose? If it’s not safe enough for pregnant women, it’s not safe enough for any of us. Especially since Dioxin has been linked to reduced immunity, issues with the nervous system, and cancer.

Benzoyl peroxide

This is another ingredient that is known to be harmful to pregnant women. It’s often found in acne medications and treatments.
For a luxurious product full of organic essential oils and natural ingredients like shea butter that you can feel safe slathering all over your body, try Gratiae’s Aromatic Multi-Purpose Moisture Cream.