Don’t Let Expression Marks Ruin Your Life!

Wrinkles come in many forms, but some that we all have in common are expression lines or marks. These typically start to appear around the mouth and forehead areas, since these parts of the face move the most when we make facial expressions. They are not actually true wrinkles since everyone has them and although they are not caused by aging, they do become far more noticeable over time.

Keep Expressions to a Minimum

In order to reduce the appearance of expression lines, try not to contort your face in certain ways. This can be difficult to do, since we are all creatures of habit, although you can easily stop yourself from frowning or squinting simply by putting on a pair of sunglasses. Take a look in the mirror at how your skin reacts when you display certain types of emotions. Happier people tend to develop more lines around their mouths since they laugh more, and may also be more prone to getting crow’s feet later in life. These lines may be an inevitable and enviable proof of a life well-lived, but if they are overly apparent too soon you might want to consider ways to mitigate their appearance.

How to Get Rid of Expression Lines

Botox will ease the expression lines on your forehead, but only for a while, or you can use a good collagen filler. Plastic surgery is a more permanent solution, but should only be considered a last resort, selected after other means have failed. At Gratiae, we’ve introduced a ground-breaking product that’s actually inspired by the latest cosmetic surgery techniques. The Ultrox Expression Marks Anti-Wrinkle Serum offers you a customized way to rid yourself of these annoying deep furrows. The concentrated formula achieves a remarkable lifting effect, which previously could only be achieved via a surgeon’s knife.